Art for Women Today

c/o Galleri Artsight, Stockholm, Sweden.

Pianoterra ETS Association

The Pianoterra ETS Association supports families living in economically and socially precarious conditions, at risk of isolation and marginality,  in order to protect the health and well-being of minors in particular.

The association works together with families with the aim of intervening at an early stage and promoting, right from pregnancy, conscious and positive parenting, counteracting the effects of poverty and hardship on the psycho-physical development of children and adolescent.

The name Pianoterra indicates the perspective of the approach: a view at human height that allows us to understand the daily difficulties of the weakest people, but also their resources and potential.

Today, Pianoterra ETS  has offices in Rome, Naples and Castel Volturno (province of Caserta), and collaborates with hundreds of other entities (third sector organisations, social and health services, schools and universities, companies and private individuals to create innovative and sustainable projects and interventions that focus on the care and wellbeing of the most fragile.